Event Series Commander League

Commander League

Want a little more structure in your Commander life? Want to see a few new faces at the Command table? Come join us Thursday nights for Commander League and show us what you've got! Come any time after 4PM until close with a legal Commander deck and we'll pair you off into a 4 person […]

Event Series Commander League

Commander League

Want a little more structure in your Commander life? Want to see a few new faces at the Command table? Come join us Thursday nights for Commander League and show us what you've got! Come any time after 4PM until close with a legal Commander deck and we'll pair you off into a 4 person […]

Event Series MtG Draft

MtG Draft

Out-think, out-predict, out-pick, and out-build up to 7 opponents in a Magic the Gathering Draft! There is honestly nothing that quite compares to the must-try experience and strategy of this playing field leveling, quite literally game defining Magic format! Each player receives three sealed packs of cards at the start of the event and takes […]

Event Series MtG Draft

MtG Draft

Out-think, out-predict, out-pick, and out-build up to 7 opponents in a Magic the Gathering Draft! There is honestly nothing that quite compares to the must-try experience and strategy of this playing field leveling, quite literally game defining Magic format! Each player receives three sealed packs of cards at the start of the event and takes […]

Event Series MtG Draft

MtG Draft

Out-think, out-predict, out-pick, and out-build up to 7 opponents in a Magic the Gathering Draft! There is honestly nothing that quite compares to the must-try experience and strategy of this playing field leveling, quite literally game defining Magic format! Each player receives three sealed packs of cards at the start of the event and takes […]